May 21, 2018

Week 19: Sale Vale...


I am sorry that I couldn't write last week and I have very limited time this week so I need to make it fast. SOO I have have a new comp and he is from Peru. His name is Elder Graus. We are PRETTY different but he is still pretty cool. We have a lot of fun together. The truth is, the missionary work has been slow and we are unfortunately not having a lot of success. Its pretty sad but we are still working hard. I am happy to say that we do however have a baptismal date for Hermano FRANCISCO for the 2nd of June! We are pretty stoked. We have been teaching him and he really likes they church and wants to be baptized. That is something good that happened. One CRAZY thing happened this week when we were contacting doors. We met this one Señora and we were talking and we asked if we could say a prayer with her. When I started to say the prayer, she was talking and giving her own prayer when I was talking. For a minute, I couldn't concentrate and I was wondering what in the world was going on. But, I tried to say the prayer and when I finished, she finished at the same time. It was kind of different but, grateful we could pray together. I think one of the coolest things that happened this week was when we had a small lesson with a member and her family. Her name is Angelica and she has two kids that aren't members. We were talking about El Día de Reposo (The sabbath day) and we felt the spirit very peaceful. It was probably my favorite experience of the week. Also, I had an experience with the Santa Cena.( The sacrament) I felt the spirit very strongly because I love Jesus Christ and I am so grateful for the things he has done for me. Lately, I have been trying to imagine as if the Savior was there in the capilla (Chapel) with us. It makes my experience so much more sacred. He is our brother and our friend. He always knows how we feel and how to help us. I will always be grateful for his sacrifice.

Cena a las 9 PM

La mejor familia

Estábamos asando toda la carne


Elder Imperatore ya se fue

May 7, 2018

Week 17: Dale pues....Sale Pues

YO YO YO YO Whats good my family?!?!

I hope everyone is doing great. I had a better week for sure and things have improved. One of the coolest things that happened was when we found a lady named Hermana Dulce and her family. She is about 30 years old and is a GOLDEN investigator. I contacted her door with my companion and I gifted her a picture of Jesus Christ and she was so into it. We met with her again to teach another lesson and she had read the pamphlet that we gave her throughly and knew almost everything before we taught her. She also told us that she has been having a hard time sleeping at night but she told us that the night after we met with her she sleep perfect. She told us that she felt a lot of peace and wants to learn more! So cool. When I heard that I was trippin. We have another lesson with her soon and I am pretty sure we could be able to baptize her. Another spiritual experience that we had (that was kind of a bummer but helped me learn a lot) was when we were with one of our investigators Francisco. He is great and we were getting to the end of the lesson and I was going to talk about the Book of Mormon and I was so ready to testify and give the most perrona (awesome) explanation of the Book and all of a sudden we heard, KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK....... bbbuueeennnaaassss TTARRDDESSS! The cable guy HAD to come right when I was about to testify of the coolest part of the Gospel. When our investigator went to answer the door, I looked at my companion and we both said "Gracias flippin Satanás."(thanks a lot Satan) So buggin haha. We will have another opportunity to talk to him about it but, we both knew that someone didn't want us to talk about The Book of Mormon with him jajaja. Satan is real and he stinks man dang it jajaja. Also, I think the craziest experience that we had this week was when I was on transfers with Elder Imperatore (el chileno famoso)(the famous Chilean). We were contacting one house and we were talking with an abuela (Older lady) outside her house. When I gave her a una tarjeta de Jesucristo (Picture of Christ), her daughter came out of the house and took the card right out my hand and threw it on the ground and yelled NO! I was trippin. I looked over to Elder Imperatore with my "what in the world just happened should we run" face but she ended up calming down. But it was super crazy. Other that we have had a better week! ANDDDDD I GOT SOME FOTOS FOR YA FOLKS! Arre puesss....... (alright then)

Hermano Victor "El Rey de las Tortas!"(Brother Victor the King of Sandwiches)

"Tengo Hambre" (I'm hungry)

"Tortillas de Harina para llevar...a gusto!" (Flour tortillas to take home)

"al fin del día.... a gusto con hot dogs"(At the end of the day, we like hot dogs)

"En El Centro!"(in the center of town)

"La vida tranquila por la laguna" (The quiet life by the lake)

"Los Mejores Amigos en la misión"(The best friends in the mission)

"Estoy loco todavía" (Im still crazy)

April 30, 2018

Week 16: Ya Ciao!

Hey everyone hows everyone doing? I am not going to lie, this week has been really hard. Lately things having moving pretty slow but one of the hardest things that happened to me was when I was on transfers with another missionary named Elder Arnold. Elder Arnold is super cool and a great missionary and it was so great to be with him for a transfer. When we were working one day together we visited our invesitagator Hermano Rascon. When we were there, he basically told us that he didnt want to be baptized. When I heard this, I was crushed. I tried to do everything that I could think of but It didnt make a difference and I think we might have to stop teaching him. Later that night, Elder Arnold was talking to me and was asking me how I was doing. In that moment and with all my other stresses in the mission, It was something that I really needed to hear. We talked for a little bit and it really helped me. Also this week I lost ALL my fotos from my camera and basically all my memories and I was crushed. But that talk really helped me. I know we have hard things in our lives so we can grow. This week has been pretty tough but I am definitley doing better. I am glad for these experiences that help us grow. A life without challenges isnt a life. We are here to grow. I will hold on strong to things that I know to be true regardless of the challenges in my life because I know these things are true. But, its a new week and new things are ahead! It will all be good.

Ok now for some funny stuff. One of my favorite missionaries here in the mission is from Chile and he is literally the coolest. His name is Elder Imperatore and is flippin hilarious. The title of this email is "Ya-Ciao" because its a word we say and I will explain how it came to be. The word "ya" in spanish means "now" or "already" and so for example I could say "Estoy Listo ya" which means I am ready now or in this moment I am ready. My companion makes calls with the other missionaries to see how the work is doing each day. As his companion, I help make calls also. So, whenever I am done getting information from Elder Imperatore, we say Ciao (bye). But, we came up with the word "ya-Ciao" to mean "Bye I need to go now" or "In this moment I need to go because we have stuff to do". It literally sounds like the dumbest word ever but it was SOO funny when we came up with it and we DIED laughing. So everyday I see him I say YA-CIAO really loud. That was the dumbest explanation ever but I thought it was so funny. ANYWAYS here are some fotos y videos

Elder Imperatore (on the left) y su compañero Elder Fragoso